
Here is just a page of resources we use to bring you some of the content we share. We are providing you with these resources so that you can do some investigating on your own to find more stuff that interests you, if you wish, and to show where we find the content that does not directly belong to us, that we are merely sharing.

The music videos you see every Wednesday don’t belong to us. They are someone else’s videos that we’ve found and are sharing with you because we think they’re great. Here you can search for other music on your own:  Similarly, we don’t own the actual music/songs either.  They are not ours.

Although many of the foreign language words we share with you we’ve learned personally, we use this site to look up words we don’t know, or if we know a word in Spanish and not in French, we look up the French word (or vice versa), so we can share it with you. This is the site that most foreign language teachers recommend using if you’re not going to use and paperback dictionary:

The quotes we share with you come from a variety of places.  Some of them are direct quotes from people who we have personally come in contact with.  Others are quotes that we’ve heard someone use (i.e. someone said a Thomas Edison quote in a speech).  Some we look up on the Internet or come across on Facebook.  And some we find in other places like books and candy wrappers.  Good quotes are everywhere!

Naturally, some general rules apply such as: quoted material within a title or article may be quoted from somewhere else, which you’ll be able to tell or will be explained in the blog article.  Blog article material is original or a credited retelling (i.e. in the article “Mama Says,” Enjouée retells a story once told to her and credits that it’s not her own), and scenes are also original with any quotes credited.  We don’t want to take credit for any work that isn’t ours.

As always, feel free to ask any questions you have. We love basing post content off of readers’ feedback, and if we can’t answer questions, we will look to find you somewhere that can.
-Vivaz, Enjouée, and Jeavoi

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